What is rehype-stringify?
rehype-stringify is a plugin for the rehype ecosystem that compiles a syntax tree into HTML. It is typically used in conjunction with other rehype plugins to process and transform HTML content.
What are rehype-stringify's main functionalities?
Basic HTML Stringification
This feature allows you to convert an HTML string into a syntax tree and then back into an HTML string. It demonstrates the basic usage of rehype-stringify in a unified pipeline.
const unified = require('unified');
const rehypeParse = require('rehype-parse');
const rehypeStringify = require('rehype-stringify');
const html = '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>';
.then((file) => {
Transforming HTML
This feature demonstrates how you can transform HTML content by modifying the syntax tree before stringifying it back to HTML. In this example, the text inside the <h1> tag is changed from 'Hello, world!' to 'Hello, universe!'.
const unified = require('unified');
const rehypeParse = require('rehype-parse');
const rehypeStringify = require('rehype-stringify');
const rehype = require('rehype');
const html = '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>';
.use(() => (tree) => {
tree.children[0].children[0].value = 'Hello, universe!';
.then((file) => {
Other packages similar to rehype-stringify
htmlparser2 is a fast and forgiving HTML/XML parser. It can be used to parse HTML into a DOM-like structure, which can then be manipulated and serialized back to HTML. Unlike rehype-stringify, htmlparser2 is more focused on parsing and does not provide a unified pipeline for transformations.
jsdom is a JavaScript implementation of the DOM and HTML standards. It allows you to create and manipulate a DOM tree in a Node.js environment. While jsdom provides a more complete DOM API, it is heavier and more complex compared to rehype-stringify, which is more lightweight and focused on HTML stringification.
cheerio is a fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server. It parses HTML and XML and provides a jQuery-like API for manipulating the resulting DOM. Cheerio is similar to rehype-stringify in that it allows for HTML manipulation, but it uses a different API and is more focused on jQuery-like operations.

Compiler for unified. Stringifies an
HAST syntax tree to HTML. Used in the rehype
npm install rehype-stringify
var unified = require('unified');
var createStream = require('unified-stream');
var parse = require('rehype-parse');
var stringify = require('rehype-stringify');
var processor = unified()
.use(stringify, {
quoteSmart: true,
closeSelfClosing: true,
omitOptionalTags: true,
entities: {useShortestReferences: true}
processor.use(stringify[, options])
Configure the processor
to stringify hast syntax trees
to HTML.
Options can be passed when using processor.use(stringify, options)
All settings are passed to hast-util-to-html
MIT © Titus Wormer